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Writer's pictureTodd Gross

The Power of Video Marketing: Why Your Business Needs It Right Now

Businessman getting a great idea.

"People remember 95% of a message when it’s delivered through video, compared to just 10% when reading it." — Insivia.

Let that sink in for a moment. We’re living in a time when attention is currency, and video is the ultimate magnet. Whether it’s on social media, your website, or email campaigns, video content is now a non-negotiable part of a successful marketing strategy. And no, this isn’t about hopping on the next big trend—this is about putting your business where it belongs: in front of your audience’s eyes and in their minds.

What’s the Deal with Video?

Video is versatile. It’s not just something that’s nice to have; it’s a business asset. You can use it to explain complex products, humanize your brand, or showcase your company culture. Think about it: Would you rather read a three-page document about a new product or watch a 60-second video that shows you exactly how it works? Your customers feel the same way.

1. Capturing Attention in a Busy World

We live in an era of scroll culture. People swipe through their feeds faster than you can say “Call to Action.” If you don’t grab them in the first few seconds, they’re gone. Video grabs attention. It stops the scroll. The combination of motion, sound, and narrative hits the senses and demands engagement.

But it’s not just about capturing attention—it’s about keeping it. You want to make sure that people not only stop to look but stay to listen. And that’s where the magic of storytelling comes in.

2. Storytelling That Resonates

Here’s where video marketing shines: storytelling. Humans have been wired to respond to stories since we could sit around a fire. Storytelling through video connects on an emotional level that text and static images simply can’t. It's more than just selling a product; it's about building trust and rapport. A well-crafted video shares a narrative, sparks emotion, and, most importantly, creates a connection.

Take customer testimonials, for example. They’re powerful because they show real people, real experiences, and real emotions. When viewers see someone just like them raving about your product or service, that builds credibility. You can’t fake that kind of authenticity.

3. Converting Viewers into Customers

Let’s talk conversions. This is what most businesses care about, right? Turning views into dollars. The stats speak for themselves: landing pages with video can increase conversions by 80%. Videos build trust. When someone sees your product in action or hears directly from your satisfied customers, they’re more likely to buy. It’s not just theory—it’s proven.

But it doesn’t stop there. Videos in email campaigns can increase click-through rates by 96%. Yes, you read that right. Simply including the word "video" in your subject line can make people open your email. Why? Because people would rather watch than read.

So how do you make video work for your business? It’s simpler than you think.

4. Use Video Throughout the Entire Customer Journey

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is thinking that video is just for social media ads or the occasional product demo. Wrong! You can use video at every stage of your customer’s journey—from awareness to decision-making and even after the sale.

  • Awareness Stage: Use short, engaging videos to introduce your brand or product to new audiences. Think teaser videos, brand story reels, or viral social media content that sparks curiosity. This is where you want to hook them.

  • Consideration Stage: Create more detailed explainer videos, product demos, or behind-the-scenes looks to give potential customers a better understanding of what you offer. At this point, they’re interested—they just need a little more information to make a decision.

  • Decision Stage: Customer testimonials or case study videos work wonders here. This is the stage where trust is key, and nothing builds trust like hearing about real success stories from people who have used your product or service.

  • Post-Purchase: Don’t stop once the sale is made. Create follow-up content, how-to videos, or personalized thank-you messages. Keeping customers engaged after they buy helps build loyalty and encourages them to spread the word about your brand.

5. SEO: The Secret Sauce of Video Marketing

If you’re not using video to boost your SEO, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Videos can drive traffic to your website, keep people there longer, and boost your search rankings. Google loves video. Pages with video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of a Google search than those without.

Also, think about YouTube. It’s the second-largest search engine in the world, and it’s owned by Google. When you upload videos there, you’re not just creating content; you’re increasing your chances of being discovered by potential customers searching for exactly what you offer.

But make sure your videos are optimized. Include keywords in your title, description, and tags. Add transcripts to make your content accessible and boost SEO. And don’t forget about thumbnails—yes, thumbnails. An eye-catching thumbnail can dramatically increase your click-through rate.

6. Build Personal Connections with Live Video

Here’s a trend that’s only getting bigger: live video. People crave real-time interaction with brands. Live video gives your business a face and allows you to communicate directly with your audience. Whether it’s a Q&A session, product launch, or behind-the-scenes tour, live video offers a level of engagement that pre-recorded content can’t.

And here’s a secret: live video doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, it shouldn’t be. People appreciate the authenticity that comes with live, unpolished moments. It makes your brand feel human, relatable, and approachable.

7. Analytics: Measure What Matters

One of the most significant advantages of video marketing is that it’s measurable. You can track how many people watched, for how long, and whether they clicked through to your website or purchased something. This level of insight allows you to continuously refine your approach. If a video isn’t performing well, you can tweak it or create something new.

But don’t get caught up in vanity metrics like views. Yes, it’s nice to have 10,000 views on a video, but are those views translating into action? Focus on metrics that matter—engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. These are the numbers that show real results.

8. Keep It Professional, But Human

Here’s where many businesses get tripped up: they try to be too polished. Look, professional quality matters, especially for certain industries. But don’t overproduce to the point where your brand feels robotic or distant. The most successful videos strike a balance between quality and authenticity.

Show your team. Show the process behind the scenes. Introduce your CEO or your customer service reps. Human faces create connection, and connection drives trust.

Ready to Make Video Work for You?

At the end of the day, it’s about being where your customers are and speaking to them in a way that resonates. Video marketing does this better than any other medium. It’s versatile, engaging, and, when done right, it converts.

So, whether you’re just dipping your toes into video marketing or looking to step up your game, there’s never been a better time to invest in it. Start small with product demos or client testimonials. Or go big with a full-blown video campaign across multiple platforms. Whatever you do, just start.

Because if your business isn’t using video, it’s already behind. And in a world where attention is the new oil, you can’t afford to miss out.

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